Mon 16-September-2024

Families of prisoners

Commission of Detainees slams MK’s assault on relatives of prisoners

The Palestinian Commission for Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has strongly denounced member of the Knesset Oren Hazan for breaking into a Red Cross bus on Monday and bullying relatives of Gazan prisoners aboard it.

Abu Marzouk: Israelis should think it over before trying to ape Hazan

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Mousa Abu Marzouk has said that Israeli leaders should think twice before trying to copy Knesset member Oren Hazan and bully families of Palestinian prisoners who seek to see their relatives in Israeli jails.

ICRC slams MK’s harassment of Palestinian prisoners’ families

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Monday slammed an Israeli Knesset member for intercepting a bus of Palestinian families visiting their imprisoned sons in Israeli jails.

IOA cancels family visits for Gazan prisoners in Nafha jail

Israeli Occupation Authorities (IOA) on Monday cancelled the visit for families of Gazan prisoners in Nafha Israeli jail which was scheduled on Monday November 13.

Israeli forces crack down on prisoners’ families at Salem court

The Israeli occupation forces on Monday came down heavily on families of Palestinian detainees at Salem military court west of Jenin province.

Israeli military court extends detention of Halamish attacker’s family

The Israeli military court of Ofer has decided to extend the detention of five relatives of prisoner Omar al-Abed who carried out a stabbing attack in the illegal settlement of Halamish last July until next Sunday.

Ramon jailers try to bar families from visiting relatives

Israeli jailers in the Ramon desert prison on Sunday obstructed visits for dozens of Palestinian families at the pretext that their detained relatives had participated in the mass hunger strike.

41 Gazans visit relatives in Nafha jail

Only 41 Palestinian citizens from the Gaza Strip on Monday were able to visit their relatives being detained in an Israeli jail.

Families of striking prisoners close main road in Nablus

Families of Palestinian hunger striking prisoners in Nablus closed on Thursday a main road leading to the city downtown in support of their striking relatives who have been fasting for 39 consecutive days.

PA security forces ban families from sit-in at Arafat Tomb

Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces on Monday evening banned families of hunger striking detainees in Israeli jails from staging a sit-in before the tomb of late President Yasser Arafat.