Mon 8-July-2024


Hamas Fatah delegations head to Cairo to resume dialogue

Delegations from Fatah and Hamas movements on Friday headed to Cairo to complete the reconciliation talks and settle the differences that have lately arisen.

Hamas Fatah ask Egypt to postpone government takeover in Gaza

Palestinian factions in Gaza announced on Wednesday evening their agreement to postpone the Palestinian Authority (PA) government takeover of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian factions end first day of Cairo talks

13 Palestinian factions including Hamas and Fatah ended on Tuesday evening the first session of their national reconciliation talks which are held in Cairo under the auspices of the Egyptian intelligence agency.

Hamas meets Fatah delegates in Sidon pushes for propping up order

Hamas on Tuesday received a Fatah delegation led by its group’s secretary in the Lebanese city of Sidon.

Zaki: Any talk about disarming the resistance is forbidden

Senior Fatah official Abbas Zaki has called for protecting the armed resistance against the Israeli occupation condemning those who seek to disarm the resistance as “antinational and without identity.”

Al-Ahmed: Gaza assassination bid aimed to disrupt the reconciliation

Member of Fatah’s central committee Azzam al-Ahmed said the failed attempt to assassinate senior Hamas official Tawfiq Abu Naim in Gaza was aimed at “reshuffling the cards in the Palestinian arena stirring up chaos and tension and disrupting the reconciliation.”

Fatah: The unity is the only way to protect the national project

The Fatah Movement has affirmed that the national reconciliation is the only way to safeguard the national project.

Hours after unity deal Hamas urges PA to lift sanctions on Gaza

Political bureau member of Hamas Salah al-Bardawil called on the Palestinian unity government to assume its duties and lift its punitive measures on Gaza.

Hamas and Fatah sign reconciliation agreement in Cairo

The Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah on Thursday afternoon signed a reconciliation deal in Cairo ending a decade-long rift between the two Palestinian factions.

Hamas and Fatah agree to achieve reconciliation in Cairo

Head of Hamas’s political bureau Ismail Haneyya announced that his Movement reached a reconciliation agreement at dawn Thursday with the Fatah faction following two rounds of talks held in Cairo under the auspices of the Egyptian intelligence agency.