Mon 8-July-2024


Hamas: Rajoub’s remarks about the Western Wall “national crime”

The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced senior Fatah official Jibril Rajoub for claiming that the Jews has a right to the Western Wall of the Aqsa Mosque describing his remarks in this regard as “a national crime and an affront to the Palestinian people and their holy sites.”

Rajoub makes serious remarks about Aqsa Mosque’s Western Wall

Member of Fatah’s central committee Jibril Rajoub on Saturday claimed that the Jews have a right to the Western Wall (Buraq Wall) of the Aqsa Mosque.

Armed clashes with PA security forces in Balata camp

Armed clashes broke out on Saturday evening between Fatah-affiliated gunmen and security forces from the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Balata refugee camp east of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Abu Marzouk calls on Fatah to abide by reconciliation agreements

Member of the Hamas political bureau Mousa Abu Marzouk said on Wednesday that the Palestinian reconciliation does not need more dialogues with Fatah Movement.

Gaza: Fatah slams salary cuts calls for dissolving gov’t

The Fatah Movement in the Gaza Strip has denounced the government of Rami al-Hamdallah in Ramallah for deciding to slash salaries for its employees in Gaza and called for revoking the step immediately and dissolving the government.

Fatah captives intend to start hunger strike in April

The Palestinian prisoner Marwan al-Barghouti member of Fatah Central Committee announced on Saturday the intention of Fatah captives in Israeli jails to start a hunger strike on the Palestinian Prisoner Day on April 17.

Citizen PA officers wounded in gunfight in Balata camp

At least one Palestinian citizen and two members of the Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces suffered bullet injuries in armed clashes on Sunday night in Balata refugee camp east of Nablus city in the occupied West Bank.

Hammad rebuts claims about appointing him head of energy authority

Deputy minister of foreign affairs in Gaza Ghazi Hammad has categorically denied that he was appointed as head of the energy authority in the besieged enclave.

Haneyya receives 2 Fatah delegates in his Gaza office over unity

Deputy political bureau chairman of Hamas Ismail Haneyya on Monday received two Fatah MPs in his office in Gaza.

Fatah leader: Lebanese parties responsible for Ein Hilweh mayhem

Member of Fatah Central Committee Azzam al-Ahmad pointed the finger at Lebanese parties over the latest security turmoil rocking Ein al-Hilweh Camp for Palestinian refugees in southern Lebanon.