Fri 20-September-2024

Father Hanna

Hanna: No human mind can accept Israel’s siege and assaults on Gaza

Father Atallah Hanna has called on the international community and everyone who has goodwill and conscience to work on having the inhumane blockade on the Gaza Strip lifted.

Hanna applauds Marches of Return rallies in Gaza

Father Atallah Hanna has said that the March of Return rallies in the Gaza Strip are aimed at declaring and affirming that the Palestinian people are adherent to their national rights and constants especially the inalienable right of return.

Hanna: Issawiya people’s fortitude will foil Israeli plots

Father Atallah Hanna has expressed his belief that the steadfastness of the Palestinian citizens in Issawiya district of Occupied Jerusalem will frustrate the occupation’s plan to displace them from their homes and kill their children’s national spirit.

Hanna: Christians United for Israel “suspicious non-Christian group”

Father Atallah Hanna has warned against the so-called “Christians United for Israel” in America calling it an organization that “plays a suspicious political role in opposing justice and supporting the Israeli occupation its policies and practices against the Palestinian people.”

Father Hanna: Jerusalem is in great danger

Father Atallah Hanna has warned that Occupied Jerusalem is at great risk as a result of Israel’s ongoing Judaization activities.

Hanna condemns sale of Jerusalem real estate to Jewish groups

Father Atallah Hanna has strongly denounced the transfer of ownership of Islamic and Christian properties and buildings in Occupied Jerusalem to Jewish groups through real estate transactions or straw buyers calling such practice as “a disaster and treason in every sense of the word.”

Father Hanna voices solidarity with hunger striker Khader Adnan

Father Atallah Hanna Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem has expressed his solidarity with Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan who has been on hunger strike for over 18 days in protest at his arbitrary detention.

Father Hanna spat on and insulted by Jewish settlers in J’lem

Father Atallah Hanna Archbishop of the Palestinian Orthodox Church in Occupied Jerusalem was exposed last Tuesday evening to a spitting and verbal attack by Jewish students in the Old City of Occupied Jerusalem.