Mon 16-September-2024


France condemns murder of Palestinian woman by Israeli settlers

France on Tuesday condemned the killing of Aisha al-Rabi 48 at the hands of Israeli settlers near Nablus city on Friday.

Newly-released French academic returns to sit-in tent in Khan Ahmar

French academic Franc Romino resumed a vigil he had maintained in Khan al-Ahmar village threatened with demolition after he was released from Israeli custody on Sunday.

French academic continues hunger strike in Israeli jail

French activist Frank Romano has been on a hunger strike for the third day running to protest his detention by the Israeli occupation authorities.

French city condemns Israel’s recent attacks on Gaza

The municipality of the French city of Dunkirk has strongly denounced Israel’s recent attacks on the Gaza Strip which killed and injured many civilians expressing its regret for the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the besieged enclave.

France Germany urge ‘restraint’ and lifting of Gaza blockade

French Foreign Ministry issued on Thursday a statement calling for a lasting political solution to the Gaza Strip.

Jerusalem’s French consulate staff member detained by Israeli forces

An employee at the French consulate in Jerusalem was arrested a few weeks ago by Israeli authorities and will appear in court for a "security" issue sources close to the case said.

Palestinian-French inmate’s term renewed without trial in Israel jail

Israel’s Jerusalem Central Court renewed the administrative sentence of the Palestinian-French detainee Salah al-Hamouri to another four months.

French municipality recognizes Palestinian state

Patrice Leclerc mayor of Gennevilliers a northern suburb of Paris on Friday announced his decision to recognize the state of Palestine saying that the decision will be officially signed next Monday.

France asks Israel to allow entry of its politicians

The French foreign ministry on Tuesday asked the Israeli authorities to allow its politicians to enter the country to visit the occupied territories and Palestinian prisoners.

France condemns Israeli settlement plans in West Bank

France condemned on Thursday Israeli authorities’ recent decision to build new housing units in West Bank settlements.