Fri 20-September-2024

Gaza employees

Rights group: UNRWA measures against Gaza employees shocking

UNRWA’s arbitrary measures against 965 of its personnel working in the Gaza Strip including transferring 570 permanent employees to part-time contracts and 270 employees to other programs are extremely shocking said the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

Muhanna: PA salary cuts part of Deal of Century

Member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine's (PFLP) Political Bureau Rabah Muhanna on Tuesday warned of the repercussions of a decision to pay only 50% of the monthly salaries of the Palestinian Authority (PA) employees in Gaza.

PA employees in Gaza protest unpaid salaries

Hundreds of Palestinian Authority (PA) employees in Gaza on Wednesday took part in a protest over the delay in paying their monthly salaries.

Gaza schools stage strike over unpaid salaries

Schools and education directorates staged a strike in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday in protest at the Palestinian Authority (PA) government's delay in paying the salaries of Gaza employees.

Gaza schools to shut down on Wednesday in protest at PA measures

Gaza teachers union announced a strike in all public schools ministries and directorates in the Gaza Strip in protest at the Palestinian Authority (PA) government's disregard for the rights of Gaza employees.

Union of Gaza employees announces general strike tomorrow

The union of Gaza employees has called a general strike on Monday in all government institutions in the Gaza Strip to protest the Palestinian government’s disregard for the rights of its civil servants.

Ministry: We have not received a penny from PA since reconciliation

Gaza's Ministry of Education on Monday said that it has not received any funds from the Palestinian Authority (PA) government since the signing of the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas about four months ago.

550 retreated health employees to resume work in Gaza

Palestinian health minister Jawad Awwad has decided to reinstate 550 previous civil servants who left their jobs in the health sector following the 2007 events in Gaza.

Official denies making statements on integration of Gaza employees

Former head of the Gaza Staff Bureau and member of the Legal and Administrative Committee Mohammed al-Reqeb on Saturday denied statements attributed to him about a plan to integrate only 30% of the Gaza employees appointed after 2007 into the Palestinian Authority (PA) government.

Gaza employees protest uncoordinated return of old employees

Gaza's Agriculture Ministry staff have expressed their dissatisfaction with the Palestinian Authority (PA) government's decision to return 40 of the Ministry's suspended employees to their former workplaces without prior arrangement.