Mon 1-July-2024

Gaza reconstruction

Saudi Arabia contributes $80 million for Gaza reconstruction

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has contributed $80 million for the reconstruction of Gaza homes destroyed during the 2014 Israeli military onslaught Minister of Housing Mufeed Hasayneh said on Thursday.

Owners of destroyed facilities in Gaza fed up with donors’ promises

The owners of the economic facilities that were destroyed in the 2014 war against the Gaza Strip expressed their anger and protest on Monday at the donor countries' procrastination in providing the dues that were endorsed in the Gaza Reconstruction Conference held in Cairo in October 2014.

Haneyya: Qatar grants Gaza 100 million dollars

Ismail Haneyya Deputy Head of Hamas’s Political Bureau revealed that the Emir of Qatar Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani approved a bank guarantee of 30 million dollars for three months to start the implementation of 161 Project in order to overcome the power crisis in the besieged Gaza Strip.

Qatari ambassador medical delegation arrive in blockaded Gaza

Qatari Ambassador and head of the Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza Mohamed Ismail al-Emadi arrived in the blockaded enclave of Gaza on Wednesday via the Beit Hanoun (Erez) border-crossing.

Khudari: Gaza reconstruction slow 60% of homes still damaged

Jamal al-Khudari head of the Popular Committee against the Siege said that Gaza reconstruction process is very slow revealing that 60% of the Palestinian homes damaged in the Israeli 2014 offensive on Gaza Strip are still in ruins and that 60000 Palestinians are still homeless.

Gaza: 1500 families to receive building materials for their homes

Shipments of building materials for 1500 Gazan citizens affected by the 2014 war are expected to be allowed soon to enter the Gaza Strip by the Israeli occupation authority in accordance with the UN-sponsored GRM agreement.

Bahar calls for bearing responsibility for Gaza reconstruction

Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) First Deputy Speaker Dr. Ahmad Bahar called on Muslims and Arabs to shoulder responsibility for Gaza reconstruction after the latest three Israeli offensives on the besieged enclave had left destruction everywhere.

Qatari committee receives Gaza reconstruction projects

The Qatari Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza received Wednesday projects for the development of the southern border area.

UNRWA disburses funds for Gaza’s homeless families

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said on Thursday that it was able to disburse $461234 for the reconstruction and repair works activities to 63 refugee families across Gaza whose homes were damaged during Israel’s 2014 military offensive.

The fourth batch of Kuwait’s grant for Gaza distributed

The Palestinian government declared Saturday that the fourth batch of the Kuwaiti grant for Gaza reconstruction totaling USD 16.685 million has been distributed.