Thu 24-October-2024

Gaza siege

Sinwar: We will not tolerate the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Hamas chief in Gaza Yehya Sinwar has warned that the Gaza Strip would explode any moment in the face of the Israeli occupation state if its humanitarian situation did not improve.

Khudari slams Israel for barring German MP from visiting Gaza

MP Jamal al-Khudari head of the Popular Committee Against the Siege has strongly denounced the Israeli occupation authority for preventing German lawmaker Achim Kessler from visiting the Gaza Strip.

Israeli navy attacks fishermen in Gaza

Israeli gunboats on Saturday morning attacked Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the coast of Gaza City.

22 children among dozens injured in Great March of Return

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday when Israeli occupation forces heavily opened fire at the peaceful demonstrators taking part in the Great March of Return near Gaza border.

Khudari: 100% of Gaza factories totally or partially affected by siege

Head of the Popular Committee Against the Siege MP Jamal al-Khudari said that 100% of the Gaza Strip factories have been affected completely or partially by the Israeli siege and successive assaults.

Gaza’s red gold: High production and growing challenges

The streets and shops of the Gaza Strip are now rich in the fruits of palm trees amid growing obstacles regarding marketing and storage in view of the electricity crisis and the closure of border crossings.

Khudari calls for sending medical aid to Gaza by air

MP Jamal al-Khudari head of the Popular Committee against the Siege has called on UN special coordinator Nickolay Mladenov to work on sending an airborne medical aid convoy to the besieged Gaza Strip.

Gaza drug shortage reaches crisis point

The Palestinian Non-governmental Organizations Network on Tuesday released a report on the acute shortage of medicines and medical supplies in the NGOs working in the health sector in the Gaza Strip and its implications on their interventions and responses to the needs of patients and other groups.

Hanna: No human mind can accept Israel’s siege and assaults on Gaza

Father Atallah Hanna has called on the international community and everyone who has goodwill and conscience to work on having the inhumane blockade on the Gaza Strip lifted.

Hamas slams Shtayyeh gov’t for not lifting Gaza sanctions

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem has strongly denounced the government of Shtayyeh for persisting in taking measures contributing to worsening the humanitarian situation in the besieged Gaza Strip and deepening the inter-Palestinian division.

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