Thu 24-October-2024

Gaza siege

Gazan infant dies after being denied treatment by Ramallah

A two-month-old infant from Gaza City breathed his last on Tuesday evening after the department of treatment abroad at the Ramallah-based health ministry refused to cover his medical expenses.

Badran: Cairo talks delayed for several days

Member of Hamas's Political Bureau Husam Badran on Sunday announced that Palestinian factions decided to delay Cairo talks which had been scheduled to resume Monday for several days.

Al-Aqsa preacher calls for breaking Gaza blockade

Al-Aqsa Mosque's preacher Sheikh Ekrima Sabri on Friday called for breaking the Israeli siege imposed on two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip.

Qatar warns of humanitarian disaster in Gaza Strip

Qatar has warned on Thursday of the continued deterioration of the humanitarian conditions in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli aggression against the defenseless Palestinian people.

Committee: Urgent action should be made over abject situation in Gaza

The Popular Committee to Lift the Siege on Gaza has called upon the international community to find practical solutions to the humanitarian crises rocking the besieged Gaza Strip.

Haneyya: Solution to Gaza crisis should not involve political costs

Head of Hamas's Political Bureau Ismail Haneyya on Tuesday said that Gaza is about to break an unjust blockade that lasted for 13 years.

Eid al-Adha brings joy to the hearts of children

Children in the Gaza Strip are waiting impatiently for Eid al-Adha where joyful celebrations take place in the streets of Gaza which witness offering sacrifices as followed by the Muslim tradition.

Hamas: Gaza sanctions belies Fatah’s position on deal of the century

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said that Fatah’s insistence on starving the Gaza population retaining the sanctions on them and not severing its security ties with the Israeli occupation state contradicts its claims about rejecting the US-backed deal of the century.

Activists rally against Gaza sanctions at PLO headquarters in Ramallah

Palestinian activists who recently launched a campaign calling for lifting Gaza sanctions staged a protest on Sunday at the headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Ramallah city.

MP Khudari: Beit Hanoun closure threatens lives of patients

MP Jamal al-Khudari head of the Popular Committee against the Siege has strongly denounced Israel’s closure of the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing in northern Gaza saying that the patients referred to hospitals in the occupied territories are the most affected by such measure.

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