Thu 24-October-2024

Gaza siege

Israel releases passengers of Freedom Boat except three

Spokesman for the National Committee for Breaking Gaza’s Siege Adham Abu Silmiyya affirmed in a statement issued Tuesday evening that Israeli authorities released all passengers of Freedom Boat except three.

Israel navy intercepts anti-siege vessel

Israeli naval forces intercepted a boat that set out from Gaza shores on Tuesday in hopes of breaking Israel’s decade-long blockade of the Gaza Strip.

First anti-siege flotilla leaves Gaza

Two main vessels accompanied by smaller boats left the Gaza Strip's shore on Tuesday in a bid to break the 12-year-long blockade imposed on the coastal enclave.

Gaza to set off first anti-siege flotilla next Tuesday

Higher National Committee for the Great Return March and Breaking the Siege on Sunday announced that the Gaza Strip will set off a new flotilla of ships on Tuesday in a bid to break the 12-year-long blockade on the coastal enclave.

PA threatens to sever security ties with Israel if Gaza siege lifted

Palestinian Authority (PA) intelligence chief Majed Faraj has sent a letter to his Israeli counterpart Nadav Argaman warning against any step to end the blockade on the Gaza Strip or alleviate the population’s suffering.

Mladenov: Gaza on the brink of collapse

Nikolay Mladenov UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process has warned that the besieged Gaza Strip is on the verge of collapse.

Ramadan without lanterns in Gaza

As Ramadan knocks on the door markets start to prepare for the month of fasting decorated by colorful lanterns (Fanous) waiting for children's hands to hold them.

Foreign Information ministries warn of catastrophe in Gaza

Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Information in Gaza warned of a humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip leading to political security and social consequences that would result in a state of chaos and instability in the region.

Khudari calls for urgent support for Gaza’s health sector

Head of the Popular Committee Against the Siege Jamal al-Khudari on Monday called on Arab Red Crescent societies and concerned international organizations to urgently send medical aid to Gaza to save its collapsing health sector.

Gazan patient dies after denied travel for medical treatment

A Palestinian citizen who suffered from a health problem was proclaimed dead on Saturday morning in the besieged Gaza Strip after he was prevented by Israel from receiving medical treatment in hospitals in the occupied territories.

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