Mon 16-September-2024


More than 2,000 academics in Germany demand resignation of Education Minister over Gaza

More than two thousand academics in Germany called on the Minister of Education and Scientific Research to resign from her position over her attempt to sanction scholars who supported pro-Palestinian students’ right to protest.

Germany to resume cooperation with UNRWA

The German government said it will resume cooperation with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) in Gaza.

PFB condemns German police raid on Berlin Conference to silence solidarity with Palestine

“We are appalled to see that German police have stormed into a conference in Berlin organized in solidarity with the Palestinian people, the Palestinian Forum in Britian (PFB) said in a statement on Friday.

Hamas appreciates Nicaragua’s ICJ lawsuit against Germany to stop supplying arms to Israel

The Hamas Movement extended its appreciation on Monday for the lawsuit filed by the Republic of Nicaragua against Germany in the International Court of Justice.

Hamas slams Germany for supplying Israel with tank projectiles

The Hamas Movement has strongly denounced Germany for deciding to send 10,000 tank projectiles to the Israeli occupation state to use it in its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

Knesset speaker asks Germany to mediate prisoner swap deal

Speaker of the Israeli Knesset Mickey Levy has asked Germany to help the Israeli government strike a prisoner swap deal with the Hamas Movement in the Gaza Strip.

Sit-in staged in Germany in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners

The Palestinian Coalition in western Germany organized a sit-in in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails in the German city of Cologne on Sunday morning.

Palestinians in Berlin demonstrate against annexation

Dozens of Palestinians on Monday rallied near the US embassy in Berlin to protest Israel’s planned annexation of the Jordan Valley and large parts of the West Bank.

Jordan: Israel’s annexation plan cannot go unanswered

Jordan's foreign minister Ayman al-Safadi has said that the Israeli plan to annex one-third of the occupied territories represents an obvious violation of international law and cannot go unanswered.

Hamas Islamic Jihad slam Germany for blacklisting Lebanese resistance

The Hamas Movement and the Islamic Jihad Movement have strongly denounced the German government for designating Hezbollah in Lebanon a terror organization and banning its activities in the country.