Fri 20-September-2024

Halhul city

Another two Palestinians injured in Halhul

Two Palestinian young men were injured on Thursday afternoon after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired live bullets and rubber-coated metal bullets at Palestinians during a raid on Halhul town north of the West Bank city of al-Khalil.

IOF continues to close main entrance to Al-Arroub camp for 7th day

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continue to close the main entrance to Al-Arroub refugee camp north of al-Khalil for the seventh day in a row.

Israeli settlers start construction of new outpost in Halhul

A group of Israeli settlers on Tuesday embarked on building a new outpost on Palestinian land on Mount Jomjoma in Halhul City in the West Bank district of al-Khalil.

Palestinian seriously injured after IOF storms Halhul city

One Palestinian suffered serious injuries at dawn Wednesday when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked citizens in Halhul city north of al-Khalil.

Israeli fanatics break into Nabi Younes Mosque in Halhul

Extremist Israeli settlers stormed at daybreak Thursday the vicinities of al-Nabi Younes Mosque northeast of Halhul town in al-Khalil.

Jewish settlers storm Halhul city for rituals

Dozens of extremist Jewish settlers stormed after midnight on Thursday Halhul city north of al-Khalil in the West Bank under tight military protection and performed rituals at the Mosque of Prophet Younis where a tomb is located.