Mon 16-September-2024


Al-Hayya: Unity is the only way to protect the Palestinian cause

Khalil Al-Hayya a member of the Political Bureau of Hamas said that the main way to protect the Palestinian issue and guarantee the return of Palestinian refugees is achieving national unity.

Al-Hayya: Hamas supports ongoing efforts to end Gaza siege

Hamas leader Khalil al-Hayya on Friday said that his movement is doing its best to ensure the success of the efforts made by Egypt and the UN to end the Israeli blockade on Gaza.

Hayya: Israeli soldiers not seeing daylight without price

Member of Hamas’s political bureau Khalil al-Hayya has said that the Israeli captives in Gaza will not see the light of day without Israel paying a price for them as it did in the 2011 swap deal.

Hayya: Protests will persist until lifting Gaza siege unconditionally

Khalil al-Hayya member of Hamas’s Political Bureau asserted that the Great March of Return will go on until lifting the siege on Gaza Strip immediately and for no conditions.

Hayya: May 15 will mark point of no return in anti-occupation struggle

The Great March of Return will reach its peak on May 15 –the day which marks the 70th anniversary of the Nakba Senior member of Hamas Political Bureau Khalil al-Hayya said on Sunday.

Hayya: Return March will continue until its goals are achieved

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau Khalil al-Hayya on Saturday said in a press statement to the PIC that the Great March of Return will continue until its "real goals" are achieved.

Al-Hayya: Gaza will not expand at the expense of Sinai

Khalil Al-Hayya a member of the political bureau of Hamas Movement said that the implementation of Palestinian national reconciliation requires a political decision from Fatah and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Hayya: Israel and US attempting to liquidate major Palestinian issues

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau Khalil al-Hayya on Friday said that Israel backed by the US administration is attempting to liquidate central issues of the Palestinian cause.

Hamas denounces recent statements by Fatah officials

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau Khalil al-Hayya on Monday criticized the media uproar that followed statements by some Fatah officials in the past two days saying that some parties are acting against the reconciliation.

Hayya: Palestinian cause is facing dangerous liquidation project

Member of the Hamas Political Bureau Khalil al-Hayya on Sunday warned that the Palestinian cause is facing a dangerous liquidation project at all levels stressing that achieving real reconciliation is the best way to confront it.