Tue 9-July-2024


Senior Hamas delegation meets Nasrullah

A senior Hamas delegation met with the Secretary General of the Lebanese Hizbullah party Hasan Nasrullah in Beirut on Sunday.

Top Hamas delegation meets Hezbollah leader in Beirut

A high-level delegation from the Hamas Movement led by head of its political bureau Ismail Haneyya met on Thursday with Hezbollah secretary-general Hasan Nasrallah in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

Hezbollah launches reconnaissance drone over Israel

The Lebanese Hezbollah party announced that its military units launched a reconnaissance drone over Israel for 40 minutes.

Hamas condemns Australia’s decision to label Hezbollah as ‘terrorist’

Hamas Movement condemned on Thursday Australia's decision to label the Lebanese party Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in its entirety.

Nasrallah: we will respond in kind if Israel attacks us

Hezbollah secretary-general Hasan Nasrallah said “Israel never abided by the international law destroyed cities and killed civilians in all its war.”

Haneyya discusses deal of the century with Nasrallah

Ismail Haneyya Hamas’s leader and his accompanying delegation on Sunday met Hassan Nasrallah secretary-general of the Lebanese party Hezbollah.

Hamas Islamic Jihad slam Germany for blacklisting Lebanese resistance

The Hamas Movement and the Islamic Jihad Movement have strongly denounced the German government for designating Hezbollah in Lebanon a terror organization and banning its activities in the country.

Hamas denounces Israeli aerial aggression against Lebanon

The Hamas Movement has condemned Israel’s violation of the Lebanese airspace with assault drones last night expressing its support for Lebanon and its resistance against any Israeli aggression.

Nasrallah: Palestinians should be treated differently from foreigners

Hezbollah secretary-general Hasan Nasrallah has called for necessarily dealing with the issue of the Palestinian refugees working in Lebanon from a moral and humanitarian perspectives and quietly.

Murra welcomes Nasrallah’s call for Lebanese-Palestinian dialog

Head of Hamas’s foreign media affairs Ra’fat Murra has welcomed the call made recently by Hezbollah secretary-general Hasan Nasrallah for Lebanese-Palestinian dialog to confront the US deal of the century and defend the Palestinian right of return.