Thu 19-September-2024


Palestinian child injured in hit-and-run by Jewish settler

A Jewish settler driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian child on Friday afternoon and injured him on a road near Salfit city in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian injured in hit-and-run by Jewish settler in al-Khalil

A Palestinian citizen was slightly injured on Wednesday when a Jewish settler driving at high speed rammed into him on a road near Rifa’iya village in the south of al-Khalil.

West Bank workman injured in hit-and-run by Jewish settler

A Palestinian worker was seriously injured at dawn Monday when a Jewish settler driving at high speed ran him over on a road near Huwara town south of Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian young man dies after being struck by settler car

A 21-year-old young man was proclaimed dead after a Jewish settler driving at high speed hit him with his car near the military checkpoint of Jubara in southern Tulkarem.

Palestinian boy seriously injured in settler attack

A Palestinian boy was seriously injured on Friday afternoon when an Israeli settler in a speeding car deliberately hit him in Huwara town in the West Bank district of Nablus.

Israeli army jeep hits Palestinian youth in Tubas

A Palestinian youth was injured on Wednesday after he was hit by an Israeli army jeep in Tubas City in the West Bank.

5-year-old kid struck by Israeli army jeep in al-Khalil

A Palestinian child was injured on Tuesday afternoon after she was run over by an Israeli army jeep in al-Khalil City.

Student girl injured in hit-and-run by Jewish settler

A Jewish settler driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian student girl on Tuesday morning and injured her on a road in the east of Bethlehem city south of the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian young man injured in hit-and-run by Jewish settler

A Jewish settler driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian young man on Thursday evening and injured him on a road in the east of Bethlehem city south of the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian girl injured in hit-and-run by settler in Bethlehem

A Jewish settler driving at high speed ran over a Palestinian girl on Sunday evening and injured her on a road in Bethlehem south of the occupied West Bank.