Wed 3-July-2024

Home demolition

IOF carries out 21 demolition operations in West Bank, Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) carried out on Wednesday 21 house demolition operations in the West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem, in addition to a house in 1948 occupied Palestine.

Israeli forces blow up house of Palestinian martyr in Shuafat refugee camp

Israeli forces blew up on Thursday afternoon the house of the Palestinian martyr Fadi Jamjoum in Shuafat refugee camp, north of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli bulldozers demolish 8-story building in Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Tuesday morning an eight-story building in the town of Beit Hanina, north of Occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli bulldozers demolish a house of Jerusalemite family

Israeli bulldozers demolished on Wednesday a Palestinian house in the town of Silwan in Occupied Jerusalem.

Hamas slams Israeli ministers attendance of home demolition

The attendance of two far-right Israeli ministers at the demolition of two Palestinian homes in the Negev region is proof of the Israeli government’s “sadistic and racist nature” the Hamas Movement said in a statement issued on Wednesday evening.

IOA to demolish family house of detained Jerusalemite minor

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Friday issued a demolition order against the home of the family of the detained Jerusalemite minor Mohammed Zalbani.

Jerusalemite citizens hold sit-in against home demolitions

Dozens of Palestinian citizens from the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber participated on Sunday in a sit-in against home demolitions held outside the headquarters of the Israeli municipality in the occupied holy city.

Israeli army dismantles three tents displaces their residents in JV

The Israeli occupation army on Sunday morning dismantled three Palestinian tents and displaced their residents in Khirbet Hamsa in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli army orders Palestinian to raze three homes in Bethlehem

The Israeli occupation army on Saturday ordered a Palestinian citizen to demolish homes belonging to him in the south of the West Bank.

Israel forces Palestinian to raze home in Kafr Qasem

The Israeli authorities on Monday forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his own house in Kafr Qasem City in Israel (1948 occupied Palestine) at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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