Wed 3-July-2024

Home demolition

New Israeli home demolition campaign in Ramallah

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday distributed orders for the demolition of several Palestinian homes in Beit Sira village in the West Bank district of Ramallah.

Israeli forces demolish two Palestinian homes in Lod

Israeli forces on Sunday morning demolished two Palestinian houses in Lod City in the 1948 occupied territories.

IOA orders Palestinian family to demolish their home in Jerusalem

Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) on Saturday forced a Palestinian family to demolish their own home in Sur Baher town southeast of Jerusalem.

IOF displaces six Palestinian families in Ramallah

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Thursday handed six Palestinian families orders to demolish their homes in al-Tira village in the West Bank district of Ramallah.

IOF storms Silwan threatens to demolish home in Bethlehem

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Tuesday evening stormed al-Thawri neighborhood in Silwan town in Jerusalem and raided a number of Palestinian homes.

63 US lawmakers sign letter against demolition of Palestinian homes

A letter signed by 63 members of the US Congress and addressed to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on the US administration to work to put an end to the Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Israeli authorities force Jerusalemite to demolish his home

Israel's Jerusalem Municipality on Monday forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his own home in Jabal al-Mukabber village for allegedly being unlicensed.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home in Silwan

Israeli bulldozers on Tuesday knocked down a Palestinian house in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem.

Israel forces Palestinian to demolish his home in Jerusalem

Israel's Jerusalem municipality on Tuesday morning ordered the Palestinian citizen Luay Obeid to demolish his own home in al-Isawiya village northeast of Jerusalem.

Israel to demolish home of Palestinian detainee in Ramallah

The Israeli occupation forces at dawn Friday broke into the family house of the Palestinian detainee Yazan Mghames in Birzeit town north of Ramallah City.