Sat 6-July-2024

Home demolition

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home in Lod

Israeli bulldozers on Monday demolished a Palestinian home in al-Mahatta neighborhood in Lod City in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel forces Palestinian family to demolish their home

The Israeli authorities on Sunday forced a Palestinian family in 'Ara village in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories to demolish their own home.

Israeli forces disrupt Jerusalem conference on home demolition

The Israeli occupation forces on Saturday broke up a conference organized by the Palestinian Bar Association on Israel's home demolition policy in Jerusalem.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in Sur Baher protest

Scores of Palestinian citizens on Friday choked on tear gas fired by the Israeli occupation forces during a protest in Wadi al-Hummus neighborhood in Sur Baher village east of Jerusalem.

Turkey condemns home demolitions in Sur Baher

Turkey has denounced the Israeli demolition campaign that targeted over 100 homes in Occupied Jerusalem on Monday.

Israel demolishes Palestinian home near Haifa

The Israeli occupation authorities at dawn Wednesday demolished a Palestinian home in Ar'ara village near Haifa in the northern area of the 1948 occupied Palestine.

Israel razes Araqib village homes for 147th time

The Israeli authorities on Monday morning demolished all the homes of the Palestinian Bedouin village of Araqib in the Negev desert for the 147th consecutive time.

Dozens of Palestinians injured in Sur Baher clashes

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Monday in clashes with the Israeli occupation forces during a large-scale home demolition campaign in Sur Baher town in Jerusalem.

Israel demolished 5000 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem since 1967

Israel has demolished 5000 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem since the occupation of the city in 1967.

Israeli forces raze Palestinian home in Shufat

Israeli municipality bulldozers demolished on Tuesday a Palestinian home in Shufat neighborhood north of occupied Jerusalem.