Sat 5-October-2024

Home demolition

IOF to raze second home of Palestinian prisoner

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) handed a home-demolition order to the family of prisoner Mohammad Abu al-Rub stipulating razing the family’s second home. This came one day after handing over a similar notice to knock down the prisoner’s house in Qabatya town south of Jenin city.

Palestinian home demolished farmers attacked by Israelis in Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces at daybreak Thursday demolished a Palestinian house in Kirbet Yanoun south of Nablus at the same time as Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian olive pickers.

Israel to demolish Palestinian home in Bethlehem

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Tuesday notified a Palestinian man in Bethlehem about the intention to demolish his house in al-Walaja village northeast of the city within 24 hours.

Israeli forces raid Silwan town hand over demolition orders

Jerusalem municipality teams escorted by Israeli police and soldiers raided on Sunday Silwan town to the south of al-Aqsa Mosque amid a state of tension that prevailed in the town.

Israeli bulldozers raze residential building in Silwan

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday morning razed a residential building owned by Abu Farha family in Silwan town in Occupied Jerusalem at the pretext of lacking construction permit.

Israel razes Palestinian house in Lod city

The Israeli municipality on Wednesday morning demolished the foundation and remaining parts of a Palestinian house in Lod city in the central district of Israel after it forced its owners to knock it down with their own hands a few months ago.

EU: Demolition of Jubbet ad-Dib school unacceptable

The European Union condemned again the Israeli measures against Palestinian schools in the West Bank saying that the Israeli demolition policy is unacceptable.

Popular march in protest at home-demolition in Walaja town

Hundreds of Palestinians participated in a march that kicked off on Friday from a mosque in al-Walaja town west of Bethlehem city. The popular march that was led by a scout troop aimed at protesting the Israeli home-demolition policy pursued against the inhabitants.

Israel razes Araqib village for 117th time

Israeli police forces have destroyed al-Araqib Bedouin village in the Negev region south of the 1948 Occupied Palestine for the 117th time since 2010 displacing its residents including children and women and flattening its few still-standing structures.

Friday prayer near homes threatened with demolition in Bethlehem

Palestinians in al-Walaja town west of Bethlehem performed Friday prayer in the vicinity of the homes threatened with demolition by Israeli occupation authorities in Ain Juwaiza neighborhood in the town.