Sat 6-July-2024

Home demolition

IOF razes 3 homes under construction east of Jericho

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Tuesday afternoon razed to the ground three Palestinian homes under construction in Jericho for lacking construction permits.

IOA forces Jerusalemite man to raze parts of his home

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Saturday forced Yousif Bukhtan to raze the ceiling of his own home in Beit Hanina town north of Occupied Jerusalem for lacking a construction permit.

Israeli forces take measurements of martyr Qanbar home

Israeli occupation forces stormed on Thursday the home of martyr Fadi Qanbar in Mount Scopus town east of Occupied Jerusalem and took its measurements in preparation for its demolition or closure.

Israeli forces raze Palestinian home east of Occupied Jerusalem

Israeli military bulldozers razed Monday morning a Palestinian home in a Bedouin compound to the east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Municipality forces Jerusalemite man to raze his home in Silwan

Israeli municipality forced the Jerusalemite man Salah Shwaiki on Sunday to raze his own home in Silwan town east of Occupied Jerusalem for lacking a construction permit.

Municipality forces Jerusalemite family to raze their home in Silwan

Al-Qarain Jerusalemite family was forced on Saturday morning to raze their own home in Silwan town east of Occupied Jerusalem after receiving a demolition order from Israeli municipality.

Israeli military drills demolition of structures north of West Bank

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) at midnight Monday carried out military drills in the midst of a Palestinian residential area near Aqraba town east of Nablus hours after razing eight homes and stockyards for lacking construction permits.

Israel to raze two Palestinian homes in Mount Scopus

Israeli municipality in Occupied Jerusalem handed home demolition orders to two Jerusalemites of Qanbar family in Mount Scopus town southeast of the holy city.

Massive march in Qalansuwa in protest at home-demolition policy

Thousands of Palestinians in Qalansuwa town participated in a massive march in protest at the Israeli policy of home demolition against Palestinians in the town.

Israel’s Arabs stage general strike after Qalansuwa home demolitions

The High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel has called for an all-out general strike on Wednesday January 11 in all sectors in protest at “the criminal destruction of 11 Palestinian homes in Qalansuwa city.”