Sat 6-July-2024

Human Rights Council

UN probes Israel’s expulsion of human rights lawyer

Investigators commissioned by the UN’s top human rights body have started to gather evidence that can be used in future legal action against Israeli individuals involved in the deportation of Palestinian human rights lawyer Salah Hammouri who holds French citizenship.

UN independent commission of inquiry starts public hearings

A UN independent commission of inquiry has begun public hearings on the Israeli human rights violations in the Palestinian territories on Monday evening.

Palestinian national forces slam Wennesland’s statements

The Follow-up Committee of the National and Islamic Forces strongly condemned the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland's statements during the UN Security Council briefing on September 15.

Hamas: Israeli crimes against Palestinians must be prosecuted

The Hamas Movement hailed the International Commission of Inquiry established pursuant to the Human Rights Council for issuing its report that expresses the suffering of the Palestinian people.

Top UN expert: “Israeli settlements do amount to a war crime”

A high-level UN human rights expert has called for Jewish settlements to be classified as a war crime urging the international community to hold Israel accountable for a practice it has long considered illegal.

Bachelet slams Israel’s practices in Gaza occupied territory

UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet has expressed her dismay and regret at Israel's “immediate dismissal” of a recent UN report about its security forces killing protesters in Gaza “without addressing any of the very serious issues raised.”