Thu 26-September-2024

IOF crimes

Palestinian woman injured in IOF raid succumbs to her wounds

The Palestinian young woman Dalia Samoudi 23 was pronounced dead on Friday afternoon a few hours after she was shot by Israeli occupation forces (IOF) during a dawn raid on Jenin district in the West Bank.

IOF fatally shoots Palestinian young man near Jerusalem

A Palestinian young man was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday afternoon near Jerusalem City.

IOF kills Palestinian child in southern al-Khalil

A Palestinian child was shot dead on Wednesday morning when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at local youths in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of al-Khalil.

IOF kidnaps assaults dozens of Palestinians in Ya’bad town

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnaped dozens of Palestinian citizens and brutalized many others during hysterical raids in Ya’bad town west of Jenin after one soldier suffered a fatal head injury in a stone-throwing incident there.

Israeli gunboats attack fishermen their boats in Gaza waters

The Israeli occupation navy on Sunday morning opened fire at Palestinian fishermen and their boats off the northern coast of the besieged Gaza Strip.

IOF kills Palestinian injures others on Mount Orma in Nablus

One Palestinian citizen was killed and over 100 others were injured some seriously when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked peaceful demonstrators rallying on Mount Orma in Beita town south of Nablus before noon Wednesday.

Hamas: Intentional shooting of Gaza protesters “war crimes”

The Hamas Movement has accused by Israeli occupation army of committing full-fledged war crimes in Gaza after its soldiers confessed to intentionally killing and wounding Palestinian protesters rallying on the Gaza border.

Israeli forces killed three kids from Gaza last January IOA admits

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) on Sunday informed the Palestinian civil affairs office that three Palestinian kids had been killed last January during their alleged attempt to infiltrate from the Gaza Strip into Israel.

Two Palestinians injured in IOF attack on car in W. Bank

Two Palestinian citizens on Monday evening suffered rubber bullet injuries when Israeli soldiers attacked the car they were aboard in the west of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank.

One Palestinian atrociously killed four injured by IOF in Gaza

One Palestinian young man was cold-bloodedly killed and another was seriously injured after their exposure to artillery shelling and intensive gunfire by the Israeli occupation forces in a border area in the southeast of the Gaza Strip on Sunday morning.