Sun 30-June-2024

IOF crimes

Palestinian youth killed by IOF in Nablus

A Palestinian young man was shot dead by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in Huwara town in Nablus governorate on Thursday evening.

Palestinian teen killed by IOF gunfire in Jericho

A Palestinian teenager was killed on Wednesday morning after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him during clashes with local youths in Aqabat Jabr refugee camp in Jericho.

2 Palestinian youths killed 20 injured in IOF raid in Jenin

Two Palestinian young men were shot dead while 20 others were injured on Tuesday evening during a raid by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) into Jenin refugee camp.

Palestinian youth killed 11 injured in IOF shooting east of Gaza

A Palestinian young man was shot dead on Tuesday evening after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired live bullets and tear gas bombs at protesters east of the Gaza Strip.

Milad Al-Rai: Rapper and football fan killed by IOF gunfire

Milad Al-Rai a 16-year-old Palestinian teenager from Al-Arroub Camp north of Al-Khalil was murdered by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) after being shot in the back during an Israeli raid into the camp last Sunday.

IOF kills Palestinian young man after alleged shooting attack

A Palestinian young man was killed on Tuesday evening during an armed clash with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in the northern Jordan Valley.

Palestinian young man killed another injured in Tulkarem raid

The Palestinian young man Ayed Abu Harb was shot and killed and another injured after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed in large numbers Nour Shams refugee camp east of Tulkarem on Tuesday morning.

IOF kills three Palestinian young men south of Jenin

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed three Palestinian young men on Sunday evening to the south of the West Bank city of Jenin.

Palestinian young man killed woman injured by IOF in Nablus

A Palestinian young man was killed and a woman was wounded on Wednesday morning after the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed al-Ein refugee camp west of Nablus.

Palestinian youth killed during IOF raid north of Ramallah

A Palestinian youth on Friday afternoon succumbed to a serious injury he sustained after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened fire at him to the north of the West Bank city of Ramallah.