Wed 26-June-2024

Illegal settlements

Copenhagen to divest from companies with links to Israeli settlements

The Copenhagen municipality has announced its decision to divest from companies with links to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, according to the Danish news agency Ritzau.

Hamas slams Gallant’s repealing of Disengagement Law

Hamas said the Israeli War Minister Yoav Gallant’s decision to repeal parts of the 2005 Disengagement Law, allowing Israelis to return to three illegal West Bank settlements evacuated 19 years ago, represents a continuation of the Israeli aggressive policy of settlement that denies the right of the Palestinian people to their land.

Israel to allow settlers to return to Homesh settlement

Israeli war minister Yoav Gallant has ordered the army’s central command in the occupied West Bank to sign an order allowing Jewish settlers to return to the evacuated illegal settlement of Homesh in Nablus.

UN releases blacklist of companies dealing with illegal settlements

The UN Human Rights Council has released a blacklist of 112 companies with activities in illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Ben-Gvir plans to legalize settler outposts in W. Bank

Extremist politician Itamar Ben-Gvir who will become Israel's next minister of national security has declared his intent to strengthen settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank during the coming months.

Settler sewage continues to destroy land and environment in Salfit

Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank dumped on Wednesday their wastewater into Palestinian agricultural lands in different areas of Salfit causing large-scale air water and soil pollution.

Haaretz: Four settler farms took W. Bank land the size of a big city

Over the past five years four illegal settler farms in the occupied West Bank have taken over Palestinian territory the size of the city of Holon (some 19000 dunams or 4700 acres) or the cities of Bnei Brak (7300 dunums) and Lod (around 12000 dunums) combined according to Haaretz newspaper website.

Major UK party adopts motion banning trade with Jewish settlements

The British Liberal Democrats a major party have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a ban on UK trade with the illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israeli gov’t okays establishment of Evyatar outpost in Nablus

The Israeli occupation government on Sunday approved the establishment of Evyatar outpost on Mount Sobeih in southern Nablus following talks between Israeli premier Naftali Bennett and his war minister Benny Gantz.

UN releases database of firms operating in illegal Israeli settlements

The UN human rights office on Wednesday released a list of more than 100 companies it said are complicit in violating Palestinian human rights by operating in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.