Fri 20-September-2024

Injured citizens

Dozens injured in IOF quelling of anti-annexation protests

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured on Friday when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently quelled peaceful protests against the settlement and annexation in different West Bank areas.

Over 20 Palestinians injured in IOF quelling of West Bank marches

Scores of Palestinian citizens were wounded on Friday when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently dispersed peaceful demonstrations against the settlement and annexation in different West Bank areas.

IOF injures 9 Palestinians in West Bank confrontations

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday evening shot and wounded 9 Palestinian citizens during confrontations in Jericho and Ramallah in the West Bank.

Palestinians injured in IOF and settler attacks in West Bank

A number of Palestinian citizens were injured on Thursday during confrontations with Israeli occupation forces (IOF) and invading settlers in different areas in the West Bank.

Child beaten by Israeli soldiers undergoes splenectomy

Palestinian child Amir Yousef 16 on Friday underwent a surgery in a hospital in the West Bank district of Tulkarem in which doctors were forced to remove his spleen one day after he was brutally assaulted by Israeli soldiers.

8 Palestinians injured by IOF gunfire in Qalqilya

A number of Palestinian citizens were wounded on Friday when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) violently dispersed a weekly demonstration against the settlement in Qalqilya in the West Bank.

Three Palestinians injured in West Bank confrontations

Three Palestinian citizens were injured on Saturday by rubber-coated metal bullets when Israeli occupation forces stormed areas in Qalqilya and Tulkarem districts in the West Bank and clashed with residents.

Four Palestinians injured six arrested in West Bank raids

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday evening wounded four Palestinian citizens and arrested six others during raids on different West Bank areas.

Palestinian elderly man injured in Kafr Qaddum march

A Palestinian elderly man was injured on Friday when Israeli occupation forces violently dispersed the weekly demonstration against the settlement in Kafr Qaddum village in the West Bank district of Qalqilya.

IOF injures dozens of Palestinians in West Bank protests

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were wounded on Friday when Israeli occupation forces (IOF) quelled weekly marches in the West Bank.