Mon 8-July-2024


Fires rage for fifth day in Israel occupied territories

The wave of wildfires raging across Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories has continued for a fifth consecutive day on Saturday with at least three Jewish settlers suffering serious injuries from smoke inhalation in the settlement of Ma'ale Adumim.

12 Palestinians arrested from occupied land as wildfires go unabated

12 Palestinians have been arrested by Israeli security forces across the 1948 occupied territories on suspicion of involvement in the raging wildfires.

Fires reach new areas in Israel

Israeli media sources revealed Friday morning that the wave of fire reached new areas in Israel as winds continue to rage since Tuesday.

60000 Israelis evacuated from Haifa due to massive fires

Israeli police evacuated on Thursday 60000 Israelis from 12 neighborhoods in Haifa within the Green Line due to the wave of massive fires.

Health of 2 Palestinian hunger strikers sees turn for worse

Palestinian hunger striking detainees Anas Shedid and Ahmad Abu Fara have gone through a sharp health deterioration in Israeli detention.

NGOs: Archeological theft reveals Israel’s hands are not clean

Non-governmental organizations leveled heavy criticism at Israel after the Jerusalem District Court on Monday refused to reveal the names of archeologists performing digs at antiquities sites in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli bulldozers knock down Palestinian home under construction

The Israeli occupation bulldozers on Tuesday morning knocked down a Palestinian home under construction in Jerusalem’s eastern village of al-Tour.

Umm al-Hiran natives on guard to Israeli ethnic cleansing scheme

Palestinians living in the unrecognized Umm al-Hiran village in Negev sounded cries for help over Israeli attempts to knock down their own and only homes.

Israeli Municipality demands immediate demolition of Palestinian homes

The Israeli Jerusalem Municipality filed a court appeal to immediately implement demolition orders of Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem’s Beit Hanina neighborhood.

Israeli columnist: Trial of child Manasra driven by revenge impulse

“Why does Israel need to imprison for 12 years a 14-year-old Palestinian boy (in reference to Ahmad Manasra) who did not injure anyone?” Israeli journalist Amira Hass wondered in an article published by Israeli daily Haaretz.