Mon 8-July-2024


Woman fired after complaining of sexual assault in Netanyahu office

An Israeli woman working in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) filed a complaint of sexual harassment against a staff member Israeli outlets reported Tuesday.

Israeli bill to bar BDS activists from Israel approved

The Israeli Knesset approved late Monday a bill to bar activists from the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement from entering Israel in its first reading Israeli media sources said.

Jerusalem Endowment: Israeli ban on Adhan war on Islam

The Islamic Awqaf (endowment) Department in Occupied Jerusalem slammed the Israeli ministerial committee for approving a bid banning Adhan (Muslim call to prayers) via mosque loudspeakers.

Alarm sounded over health of Jordanian hunger striker Mer’I

Alarm bells have been sounded over the sharp deterioration rocking the health status of hunger striker Shaheen Mer’I the brother of Jordanian prisoner Muneer Mer’I held in an Israeli jail.

Rally in al-Khalil to urge Israel to release bodies of slain youths

Dozens of Palestinians took to al-Khalil streets at noontime Sunday to call for releasing the bodies of their slain relatives withheld by the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA).

Former Chief of Staff to Netanyahu questioned over bribery

The Israel police announced on Thursday that it has opened an investigation against former Netanyahu chief of staff and Likud fund-raiser Ari Harow on suspicion of fraud while he was working in the Prime Minister’s Office.

Israel returns ID documents of slain Palestinian after 24 years

The Israeli occupation forces handed the private documents of a slain Palestinian citizen to his family 24 years after his murder.

Israeli ambassador to the UN secretly pops in Dubai for 3-day visit

Danny Danon Israel's ambassador to the UN made a clandestine visit to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to take part in a UN development conference Channel 2 reported on Thursday.

Israeli coalition head calls for stripping El-Ad of his citizenship

Coalition chairman MK David Bitan (Likud) said Friday that he had called on the authorities to examine the legal possibility of stripping B’Tselem chief Hagai El-Ad of his citizenship as punishment for his recent remarks against Israel at a UN session.

Israel looks to buy three new nuke-capable subs

Israel is seeking to buy three more advanced submarines from Germany at a combined price of $1.3 billion an Israeli newspaper reported Friday