Sun 6-October-2024


German parliament recognizes Israel as Jewish state

The German Bundestag (parliament) has passed legislation that recognizes Israel an occupying power as a Jewish state and describes it as democratic.

Gaza blazing kites set fire to 5 Israeli locations

Five locations in Israel on Monday caught fire due to four kites affixed with flaming materials sent from Gaza Strip over the borderline east of . The fire ate wide swathes of wheat fields in southern Israel.

40 UN ambassadors to visit Israel on occasion of Palestinian Nakba

Forty ambassadors to the United Nations are about to pop in Israel as the latter celebrates 70 years since the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the displacement of thousands from their homeland.

Polish nationalists urge probe into Israel President Holocaust remarks

Polish nationalists asked the prosecutor’s office to investigate the comments of Israeli President Reuven Rivlin about the Holocaust which he said during commemorations at Auschwitz last week Vice President of the National Movement Krzysztof Bosak said.

Israeli military attacks medical staff at Gaza border with teargas

The Israeli occupation forces on Friday attacked Palestinian paramedics and a mobile clinic at the Awda (return) camp east of Khuza’a town with heavy spates of teargas canisters on the third Friday of the Great March of Return.

Israel lashes out at Ireland over Dublin mayor’s Ramallah trip

Israel’s Foreign Ministry on Thursday rebuked the Irish ambassador to Israel days after the Dublin City Council passed two anti-Israel resolutions and the city’s mayor attended a pro-Palestine conference in Ramallah.

British journalist calls for halting British arms sales to Israel

A writer for a noted British online newspaper has urged its country to reconsider its arms sales to Israel to avoid being involved in violating the international law noting that its military and security equipment is used to suppress peaceful protesters.

Israel lobbies for embassies relocation to Occupied Jerusalem

Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely flew to Romania on Tuesday in what her office described as the first leg of a campaign to persuade countries to follow the US lead and move their embassies to Occupied Jerusalem the Jerusalem Post reported on Wednesday.

Israel bars entry of 2 Irish tourists

Israeli authorities on Friday blocked two Irish nationals from entering 1948 Occupied Palestine over alleged “plans to disrupt security forces”.

For first time Israel enforces barring participation in BDS events

For the first time the Israeli Knesset Ethics Committee has decided to bar Arab MKs from traveling abroad on a trip subsidized by an organization that supports boycott of Israel.

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