Thu 19-September-2024

Israeli aggression

Islamic Jihad announces tentative ceasefire in Gaza

An official source from the Islamic Jihad Movement has said that a cautious ceasefire came into effect at 11:30 last night on Monday between the Israeli occupation army and the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip.

At least eight Gazans injured in renewed Israeli aggression

At least eight Palestinian citizens were reportedly injured when the Israeli occupation army on Monday afternoon launched renewed attacks on different areas of the embattled Gaza Strip.

Hamas: Israel’s aggressive mindset poses a threat to the entire region

The Hamas Movement has called for pooling the Arab nation’s efforts to confront the Israeli expansionist project in the region.

Islamic Jihad vows to avenge two members killed in Syria

The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine announced that two of its members died in an Israeli airstrike on the Syrian capital Damascus last night.

Dawn airstrikes target resistance site in Gaza

Israeli warplanes at dawn Wednesday bombed a Palestinian resistance post belonging to al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas in Khan Yunis city south of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Hamas: We will never stop defending our people

The Hamas Movement has affirmed that it will never abandon its duties and responsibilities in defending and protecting the Palestinian people vowing to impose new equations on the ground.

Israeli airstrikes target resistance sites in Gaza

Israeli warplanes at dawn Saturday bombed different resistance sites in the Gaza Strip with no reported casualties.

Sawarka massacre victim succumbs to his wounds

A Palestinian man died on Friday from injuries he sustained when the Israeli occupation army bombed two homes for Al-Sawarka family in the Gaza Strip last week raising the number of fatalities in the massacre to 9.

Saudi Arabia condemns last week’s Israeli attacks on Gaza

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday condemned Israel’s aerial attacks on the Gaza Strip last week.

Are the killings of women and children a real victory on terror?

Israeli officials have been boasting about their “great victory” over “terror” in the Gaza Strip following their two-day onslaught in Gaza.