Sun 30-June-2024

Israeli bill

New Israeli bill banning Palestine flag in protests

Israel's Ministerial Committee for Legislation is scheduled to discuss a new bill imposing a one-year prison sentence on individuals who raise Palestinian flags during demonstrations according to Haaretz.

Political Analysis: The Jewish Nation State Law

The Knesset passed the “Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People” ten years after it was first introduced on the Israeli parliament’s agenda.

Pakistan rejects Israel’s Jewish Nation-State law

Pakistan says Israel’s latest law defining the country as Jewish nation-state is a vivid manifestation of Tel Aviv’s consistent policy of discrimination against Palestinians.

Israeli Knesset passes law cutting funding to PA

The Israeli Knesset voted on Monday into a bill to slash funds to the Palestinian Authority (PA) by the amount the PA pays out to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and the families of the martyrs who were killed by Israeli occupation forces.

Israeli Knesset passes bill to deduct tax funds from PA

The Israeli Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Wednesday approved in the second and third readings a bill to deduct funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

PJS slams Israeli bill to ban photographing and filming of soldiers

The Palestinian Journalists' Syndicate (PJS) has condemned as “racist” Israel’s intent to enact legislation prohibiting and criminalizing the photographing and recording of Israeli soldiers while on duty and said the intended law would deal a severe blow to the profession of the press.