Sun 15-September-2024

Israeli demolition policy

Palestinian home reduced to rubble by Israeli demolition bulldozers

Israeli military bulldozers on Wednesday morning demolished a Palestinian home in Fasayel village north of Jericho city.

Palestinian structures destroyed by Israeli military in Jerusalem

Israeli bulldozers on Sunday demolished an animal barn and other agricultural structures in the village of Beit Iksa northwest of occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian home reduced to rubble by Israeli occupation

Israeli bulldozers Wednesday demolished a Palestinian home in al-Matar neighborhood north of Jerusalem under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

Home of anti-occupation attackers to be demolished by Israeli forces

The Israeli occupation forces took the measurements of the home of the Palestinian Mukhmara family in al-Khalil’s town of Yatta paving the way for its demolition in the second such move after it was reconstructed by the family.

Israeli forces demolish Palestinian home detain owner

The Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday demolished a Palestinian home in the village of al-Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian family forced to demolish structures by Israeli occupation

The Israeli occupation on Tuesday forced a Palestinian family to demolish newly-built premises at their house in Ein al-Lawzeh in Jerusalem’s Silwan town south of al-Aqsa Mosque.

Palestinian building reduced to rubble by Israeli occupation

Israeli occupation bulldozers demolished on Wednesday morning a Palestinian residential facility south of occupied Jerusalem city under the guise of unlicensed construction.

Israeli occupation threatens demolition of 3 Palestinian homes

The Israeli occupation forces on Monday distributed demolition notices targeting three Palestinian houses and a shed in al-Khalidiya area southeast of Yatta town in the southern occupied West Bank province of al-Khalil.

Israeli court okays demolition of Palestinian elementary school

Israel’s Supreme Court issued a verdict green-lighting the demolition of the Palestinian school of Tahadi 5 in Beit Ta’mur village east of Bethlehem.

Israeli army demolishes memorial for slain anti-occupation youth

Israeli army forces raided on Thursday Abu Dis town east of occupied Jerusalem and demolished a memorial for a young Palestinian protester killed by Israeli forces.