Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli demolition policy

Israeli military to reduce Palestinian family home to rubble

A heavily-armed Israeli patrol broke at daybreak Wednesday into al-Amari refugee camp in Ramallah and took the dimensions of a Palestinian prisoner’s family home pending the demolition of the building.

Amnesty: Israel’s projected demolition of Khan Ahmar “war crime”

Israel’s planned demolition of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar and the forcible transfer of its residents to make way for illegal settlements is a war crime Amnesty International (AI) said on Tuesday.

7 Palestinian families to go homeless as Israelis threaten demolition

The Israeli occupation forces on Sunday ordered seven Palestinian households in Aqabat Jaber refugee camp near the southern entrance to Jericho city to leave their homes pending their demolition in no more than three weeks.

Newly-released French academic returns to sit-in tent in Khan Ahmar

French academic Franc Romino resumed a vigil he had maintained in Khan al-Ahmar village threatened with demolition after he was released from Israeli custody on Sunday.

Israeli occupation to demolish family home of anti-occupation attacker

The Israeli occupation authorities at daybreak Monday rolled into al-Khalil’s northern town of Yatta in the southern West Bank and took measures of the family home of a Palestinian anti-occupation attacker paving the way for its demolition.

UN experts appalled by Israeli decision to demolish Khan Ahmar village

An Israeli High Court ruling giving the Government of Israel the green light to demolish the entire Palestinian Bedouin community of Khan al-Ahmar Ab al Helu has been described as “appalling” by two UN human rights experts.

Israeli occupation to demolish Palestinian prisoner’s family home

The Israeli occupation authorities have threatened to reduce the family home of prisoner Omar al-Abed in Ramallah to rubble.

Israeli occupation destroys Palestinian facility in Jerusalem

Israeli occupation forces demolished on Tuesday morning a Palestinian sheep breeding facility set up in Anata town northeast of occupied Jerusalem.

Expectant mother her 2 children go homeless as Israel demolishes home

Israeli bulldozers on Thursday knocked down a Palestinian home in Zarnouq village in Negev leaving a four-member family without a roof over their heads.

Israeli occupation demolishes Palestinian structures in Jenin

Israeli military bulldozers on Wednesday demolished a Palestinian slaughter house and two other structures in the village of Barta’a to the west of the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin.