Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli demolition policy

Israeli forces demolish slain Palestinian’s home in Ramallah

Israeli occupation forces demolished early Tuesday the family home of Tareq Dar Yousef located in the village of Kobar northwest of Ramallah.

Israeli forces demolish Araqib village for 132nd time

Israeli bulldozers on Thursday morning demolished al-Araqib village in the southern Negev area for the 132nd time.

Israeli army threatens demolition of home of slain Palestinian

The Israeli army Monday notified the family of Mohammad Tareq Dar Yousef that their home in Ramallah’s village of Kober is going to be demolished as a punishment for an anti-occupation attack carried out by their son.

Israeli bulldozer demolishes Palestinian structure north of Jericho

An Israeli military bulldozer demolished on Thursday a Palestinian-owned shop in Marj Na'ja a village located to the north of Jericho city.

EU voices concern over Israel’s demolition of Palestinian structures

The EU Heads of Mission in Jerusalem and Ramallah expressed “strong concern” about the Israeli dismantling and confiscation of a donor-funded women's center and kindergarten serving the Bedouin and refugee community of Jabal al-Baba on the outskirts of Jerusalem on 25 July.

Israeli occupation orders demolition of 6 Palestinian homes in Walaja

The Israeli occupation authorities notified on Tuesday the demolition of six Palestinian homes in al-Walaja village northwest of Bethlehem.

Hundreds of Palestinians perform prayers in Khan al-Ahmar

Hundreds of Palestinians held Friday’s noon prayer in Khan al-Ahmar village east of Occupied Jerusalem in protest at Israeli attempts to displace the residents and demolish their village.

Palestinian Araqib village demolished by Israeli forces for 131st time

Israeli bulldozers on Thursday morning demolished al-Araqib village in the southern Negev area for the 131st time.

General strike sweeps Sakhnin over Israel’s arbitrary demolitions

A general strike has been announced in Sakhnin on Tuesday to protest the arbitrary demolition by the Israeli forces of a Palestinian home.

Israel threatens demolition of 50 Palestinian homes in Qalansuwa

Tension has been running high in Qalansuwa in territories occupied in 1948 after Israeli forces notified the demolition of 50 Palestinian homes under the pretext of unlicensed construction.

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