Mon 16-September-2024

Israeli demolition policy

Israelis force Palestinian father to demolish his own family home

The Israeli occupation authorities forced the Palestinian citizen Jamal Abu Teir to demolish his own home in Occupied Jerusalem.

2 families go homeless as Israeli bulldozers turn homes into rubble

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday morning knocked down two Palestinian homes in Occupied Jerusalem leaving two families without roofs over their heads.

Netanyahu orders destruction of Bedouin homes near Occupied Jerusalem

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered Thursday to drive Bedouin Palestinian communities out of their tents on Highway 1 in the vicinity of Occupied Jerusalem heading towards the Dead Sea.

Family home of al-Jamal reduced to rubble by Israeli forces

The Israeli occupation forces at daybreak Wednesday knocked down the family home of the slain Palestinian protester Namer al-Jamal in Jerusalem’s town of Surik.

Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian facilities in Jordan Valley

Israeli bulldozers on Tuesday knocked down a one-room house and an agricultural facility in Beit Dajan village in the northern Jordan Valley.

Palestinian family goes homeless as Israeli bulldozers demolish home

Israeli bulldozers on Sunday demolished a Palestinian-owned house in the Arab city of Lod in Israel under the pretext it was built without permit.

30 civilians to go homeless as Israelis order home demolitions

The Israeli occupation authorities on Sunday threatened the impending demolition of five Palestinian homes east of Occupied Jerusalem.

22 families homeless as Israelis pull down Araqeeb village

Israeli police forces destroyed on Tuesday morning al-Araqeeb Bedouin village in the Negev region south of the 1948 Occupied Palestine for the 119th time since 2010 displacing its residents and razing its under-equipped tents.

Palestinian family’s “only source of income” demolished by Israelis

Israeli bulldozers on Tuesday morning knocked down a Palestinian commercial facility north of Occupied Jerusalem.

9 Palestinian homes demolished by IOF

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday knocked down nine Palestinian homes in the West Bank governorate of Jericho.