Sat 6-July-2024

Israeli settlements

Israelis raze Palestinian land in Salfit to expand illegal settlement

Israeli bulldozers on Thursday morning leveled Palestinian lands in western Salfit province in favor of illegal settlement activity.

EU missions condemn Israeli demolitions in occupied West Bank

The European Union (EU) missions in Jerusalem and Ramallah Wednesday deplored the continuing Israeli demolitions of Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli university to be established on Palestinian land in Salfit

Israeli forces have leveled Palestinian lands in Mesha village to the west of Salfit province in favor of illegal settlement expansion.

New Israeli land-grab scheme targets Palestinian land in Jaloud

The Jaloud Village Council in southern Nablus revealed on Friday morning an Israeli plan to seize Palestinian cultivated lands in the area in favor of illegal settlement expansion.

PA urges UN to penalize Israeli banks funding settlements

The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Tuesday called on the United Nations and other international institutions to impose sanctions on Israeli banks for providing financial facilities to illegal settlement construction.

Watchdogs: Israel settlement bid slap in face of int’l community

Palestinian and Israeli activists and human rights watchdogs lashed out at the Israeli government for passing a bill legalizing settlement outposts built on Palestinian land across the occupied West Bank.

Expert warns of escalated pace of Israeli illegal settlement near Aqsa

Jerusalem affairs expert Fakhri Abu Diab warned of the escalated pace of Israel’s settlement and Judaization schemes in Occupied Jerusalem.

In defiance of int’l law Israel okays construction of 2086 homes

Israel’s Minister of Construction Yoav Galant approved Thursday evening plans to construct 2086 illegal settlement units on occupied Palestinian land.

Israeli plan to boost ties between illegal West Bank outposts

An Israeli project to prop up ties between West Bank illegal settlements outposts has been underway Israeli sources reported Tuesday.

New Israeli bill to annex Ma’ale Adumim to Occupied Jerusalem

Two right-wing Knesset members have announced they will bring a new bill for the annexation of the illegal settlement of Ma’ale Adumim to Jerusalem to a vote at the Ministerial Committee for Legislation on Sunday.