Sat 6-July-2024

Israeli settlements

Activists warn of underway construction of Israeli outpost in Nablus

Palestinian sources warned Monday of Israeli intents to establish an illegal settlement outpost on Palestinian land in eastern Nablus.

Int’l pro-Gaza group calls for restoring annexed lands

The International Popular Commission for the Support of Gaza has said that the UN Security Council’s adoption of a resolution on Israel’s settlement construction entails taking swift steps to enforce it and restore the lands of settlements to the Palestinian people.

Egypt delays Security Council vote on Israeli settlements

Hours before it was expected to take place the UN Security Council on Thursday suspended a vote on a draft resolution demanding Israel to halt its settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territories at the request of Egypt.

Arab anti-settlement draft resolution to be submitted to UNSC

The Arab Follow-Up Committee announced following a Cairo meeting on Monday its intent to submit a draft resolution condemning Israeli settlement across the occupied Palestinian territories.

PA submits anti-settlement UN resolution

The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Wednesday submitted a resolution at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) calling for an immediate end to the Israeli illegal settlement across the occupied Palestinian territories.

Legitimizing Israeli settlement outposts bid passes 1st reading

A bid meant to legalize 4000 Israeli illegal settlement houses passed a first reading in the Knesset on Wednesday.

Germany: Legitimizing Israeli settlements infringes international law

Germany urged Israel on Wednesday to scrap legislation that would legalize Israeli settlement homes built on private Palestinian land in the occupied West Bank saying this would break international law.

Netanyahu seeks to whitewash 4000 illegal settlement units

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking ways to legitimize nearly 4000 settlement units illegally built on Palestinian private lands in the occupied West Bank.

IOA plans construction of 270 top-notch settlement units in Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) finalized a plan to construct 270 top-notch settlement units in East Occupied Jérusalem.

Israeli settlers seize Palestinian lands in Jordan Valley

Israeli settler gangs grabbed hold of hundreds of dunums of Palestinian lands in the northern Jordan Valley.