Wed 3-July-2024

Israeli settlements

IOA appropriates thousands of Palestinian dunums in Salfit

The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) announced plans to appropriate thousands of dunums of Palestinian land in Salfit governorate.

Palestinian shot at for allegedly trying to carry out stabbing attack

A Palestinian youth was shot and wounded near the illegal Jewish settlement of Yitzhar in southern Nablus on Friday afternoon Hebrew media reported.

Israel okays new settler projects in different illegal settlements

The Israeli occupation army’s civil administration approved for deposit 31 construction projects including commercial housing and religious buildings in illegal settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Netanyahu storms Susya village in Masafer Yatta

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials on Sunday stormed the Palestinian ancient village of Susya in Masafer Yatta south of al-Khalil.

British consul: Israeli settlements are illegal

British Consul General in Occupied Jerusalem Philip Hall has condemned Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories as “illegal and an obstacle to restarting peace talks.”

European countries deeply concerned over Israel’s settlement plans

Britain Germany and Italy have voiced deep concern about Israeli plans to build new settler homes in the occupied Palestinian territories.

UN expert calls for holding Israel accountable over settlement plans

A UN human rights expert has urged the international community to take decisive action against Israel’s settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territories describing a recent plan to build 5000 settler homes as a grave violation of the international law.

Nurseries are threatened with extinction by Israeli settlements

Ali Daoud a worker in the agricultural nursery for more than 15 years in Qalqilya in the northern West Bank does not feel at peace because of the Israeli settlement scheme that threatens Qalqilya nurseries with extinction.

EU: We do not recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Palestinian areas

The European Union on Thursday issued a warning against the Israeli government’s intention to annex parts of the occupied West Bank saying that such a move “would constitute a serious violation of international law.”

Bahar calls for suing UN-blacklisted companies

Ahmed Bahar first deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council has called for taking legal action against the UN-blacklisted companies that have ties with Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.