Sat 6-July-2024

Israeli settlements

Israel minister okays building more settler homes on Palestinian land

Israel’s war minister Avigdor Lieberman announced on Thursday that he intends to have the government approve on the construction of 31 new settlement units in the Hezekiah neighborhood in the southern occupied West Bank city of al-Khalil.

Israelis level Palestinian lands in Kafr Kalil for illegal settlement

Israeli bulldozers overnight on Monday leveled Palestinian lands on the outskirts of Kafr Kalil town south of Nablus at the same time as army patrols were deployed in and around the area.

Israeli occupation to expand factories on Palestinian land in Salfit

Israeli bulldozers continue to level Palestinian lands west of Salfit province in the occupied West Bank in favor of illegal settlement expansion.

Palestinian olive groves severely damaged by Israeli sewage disposal

Ecologists and farmers have sounded alarm bells over the acute damage wrought by Israel’s sewage disposal pouring into Palestinian olive groves in Salfit.

Gunshots fired inside Israel’s illegal Efrat settlement

A shooting attack by anonymous gunmen targeted on Monday evening Israel’s illegal settlement of Efrat built on Palestinian land south of Bethlehem.

Pace of Israel’s land-grab policy hits zenith in Salfit

Israelis residing in the Atz Afraim outpost continue to level Palestinian lands in Mesha village west of Salfit to expand illegal settlement.

Israel’s illegal settlement activity under full swing in Salfit

Israeli bulldozers continue to level Palestinian lands across Salfit province to expand nearby illegal settlement outposts.

Israeli forces drive Palestinian farmers out of their land in Salfit

Israeli occupation forces banned on Friday morning Palestinian farmers from entering their olive groves near Israel’s illegal settlement outpost of Ariel north of Salfit province.

Israelis level Palestinian land in Ras Karkar for illegal settlement

Israeli bulldozers on Friday morning leveled Palestinian lands in Ras Karkar village west of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank.

Japan condemns Israeli settlement construction in occupied Palestine

The Government of Japan said Tuesday that it "deeply deplores" Israeli plans to construct more than 1000 illegal settlement units in the occupied West Bank.

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