Fri 18-October-2024

Israeli violations

Israel involved in forgery for stealing Palestinians’ lands

National Office for the Defense of the Land and Resistance of Settlement said that Israeli government is involved in Jewish settlers’ forgery actions for the theft of Palestinians’ lands.

“Dismantle Ghettos” campaign kicks off in al-Khalil

A so-called “Dismantle the Ghettos” campaign kicked off in the southern occupied West Bank province of al-Khalil in an attempt to push for an international action as regards the Israeli crackdowns.

IPS isolates life-sentenced Palestinian for burning occupation flag

The Israeli prison service (IPS) in Gilboa jail isolated a Palestinian detainee for burning the Israeli flag.

IOA to return the body of martyr Jallad on Friday

Detainees and Ex-detainees Committee revealed that Israeli Occupation Authority (IOA) will return the body of martyr Mohammad al-Jallad 24 to his family at Ennab military barrier east of Tulkarem city at 3 p.m. on Friday.

Israel to use “Regulation Law” to legalize seven facilities

The Israeli authorities declared intention to use the recently adopted “Regulation law” to legalize seven facilities built in Adi Ad illegal outpost including roads constructed on private Palestinian lands in the West Bank Haaretz Hebrew newspaper revealed.

Mayor of Jenin: Israeli occupation aggravates water crisis

Mayor of Jenin Mohammad Abu Ghali accused on Tuesday the Israeli occupation authorities with aggravating the water crisis in the city due to hindering repair works in Janzour water well.

Shocking testimony: Palestinian children traumatized in Israeli jail

A Palestinian academic sounded the alarm over the preplanned tactics of psycho-physical torture perpetrated against Palestinian children in Israeli jails.

Shin Bet detains chief of Beit Dajan town

The Shin Bet Israel’s internal intelligence apparatus detained on Monday chief of Beit Dajan town Naser Abu Jaish after summoning him for interrogation in Huwara military base south of Nablus city in the West Bank.

Hamas: Israeli ban on Muslim call to prayer sign of “racism”

Hamas slammed on Sunday the Israeli occupation government for approving a bid to ban Muslim call to prayer (Adhan) dubbing it an attempt to obliterate Palestinians’ Arab and Islamic identity.

Rights group: Israeli courts violating international law

Al Mezan Center For Human Rights slammed on Sunday the Israeli Supreme Court for upholding a request from the Israeli prosecution to increase the prison sentence of Al Mezan’s client—Palestinian prisoner Jihad Khalid Abu Hadaid 28—from six years of imprisonment to eight.