Fri 20-September-2024


Al-Issawiya: A Revolting town under occupation

The town of Issawiya located to the east of the occupied city of Jerusalem continues to be subject to a fierce Israeli campaign aimed at breaking the steadfastness of the town's inhabitants.

50 Palestinians kidnapped by Israeli forces in less than 24 hours

At least 50 Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at daybreak Monday in mass abduction sweeps rocking Occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Classes suspended in al-Issawiya due to Israeli police violence

The Parents Committee in the Israeli occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Issawiya suspended on Tuesday classes in all schools to protest Israeli police brutality against schoolchildren.

Palestinian kid badly injured in police attack on Issawiya

A Palestinian child on Sunday evening was badly injured by an Israeli rubber bullet while he was on the balcony of his house in Issawiya district east of Occupied Jerusalem.

Palestinian buildings demolished by Israeli bulldozers in Jerusalem

Israeli occupation bulldozers on Thursday morning knocked down Palestinian structures in al-Issawiya town in central Occupied Jerusalem.

17 Palestinians kidnapped by Israeli forces from al-Issawiya

At least 17 Palestinians were kidnapped by the Israeli forces from al-Issawiya town northeast of Occupied Jerusalem at daybreak Sunday.

2 Palestinians kidnapped by Israeli undercover unit from Issawiya

Two Palestinian young men were kidnapped by an Israeli undercover unit on Wednesday evening from Jerusalem’s town of al-Issawiya.

Palestinians in al-Issawiya protest Israeli home-demolition policy

Hundreds of Palestinians in al-Issawiya town east of Occupied Jerusalem performed Friday prayer at the main entrance of the town in protest at Israeli policy of home demolition pursued by Jerusalem municipality.

8 Palestinians go homeless as IOA knocks down Issawiya homes

Two Palestinian homes were knocked down by the Israeli municipal crews in Jerusalem’s northeastern village of al-Issawiya at daybreak Tuesday under the unlicensed construction pretext.

Tension flares as Israeli forces turn Issawiya into military barrack

The Israeli military forces at predawn Monday rolled into al-Issawiya village in Occupied Jerusalem and turned it into a military barrack local sources reported.