Fri 20-September-2024

Jerusalem prisoners

Jerusalemite young men clash with Israeli police in Issawiya

Violent clashes broke out last night between Palestinian young men and Israeli police forces in the east Jerusalem district of Issawiya.

Israeli court jails two Jerusalemites extends detention of others

An Israeli court on Wednesday sentenced two Jerusalemite young men to jail and extended the detention of two others in the occupied holy city.

Jerusalemite detained following his release from Israeli jail

Immediately following his release from an Israeli jail the Shin Bet intelligence service rearrested a Jerusalemite citizen on Monday morning.

Israeli police kidnap Jerusalemite extend detention of others

The Israeli occupation police in Jerusalem on Monday kidnaped a Palestinian young man isolated a detainee in al-Moskobiya detention center and obtained court orders extending the detention of two others.

Israeli court jails two Jerusalemite detainees for several months

An Israeli court in Occupied Jerusalem has sentenced two Jerusalemite detainees to several months in jail.

Six Jerusalemites denied entry into al-Aqsa

Israeli Magistrate court banned on Thursday six Jerusalemites from entry to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound for one consecutive month.

Israeli court imposes 10-year sentence on Jerusalemite woman

Israel's Jerusalem District Court on Monday sentenced a Palestinian woman to 10 years in jail after accusing her of attempting an attack in Jerusalem.

Committee: 570 Jerusalemite prisoners behind Israeli bars

Statistics released by the committee of Jerusalem prisoners' families have revealed that there are 570 Jerusalemite prisoners currently held in Israeli jails.

3 Jerusalemites sentenced to years in prison over alleged attack

An Israeli court on Sunday issued different sentences against three Jerusalemites after accusing them of carrying out a shooting attack against Israeli soldiers.

Palestinian families visit jailed relatives in Israeli prisons

The families of a number of Palestinian detainees from Occupied Jerusalem headed to Israeli jails at daybreak Sunday to visit their imprisoned relatives.