Thu 19-September-2024

Jewish terrorism

Jewish settlers attack cars and homes in W. Bank town

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers attacked after midnight on Sunday Palestinian cars and homes in Silat ad-Dhaher town south of Jenin City in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian killed in hit-in-run attack by Jewish settler

A Palestinian young man was killed at dawn Thursday after a Jewish settler driving at a high speed ran him over as he was walking to his workplace in 1948 occupied Palestine.

Jewish settlers open fire at homes in Sheikh Jarrah

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Wednesday evening terrorized Jerusalemite citizens and opened fire at their homes in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood while Israeli police officers who protected the settlers kidnaped a local child.

Palestinian injured others arrested following attack by settlers

A Palestinian citizen was injured and others were arrested on Saturday after a horde of extremist settlers escorted by soldiers assaulted local shepherds in the northern Jordan Valley.

Palestinians call for helping them confront settler rally near Nablus

Burqa villagers and Palestinian national figures have urged citizens from the village and nearby towns to confront the Jewish settlers who intend to organize a rally on the evacuated site of Homesh outpost on Saturday evening.

Burqa residents repel new attack by settlers on their town

Palestinian citizens in Burqa town in the northwest of Nablus warded off a fresh attack by a gang of extremist Jewish settlers while the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) closed the main entrance to Sebastia town north of Nablus.

Palestinians near Jericho call for guarding them against settlers

Palestinian citizens living in al-Ara’ra area in Wadi Qelt valley near Jericho on Saturday evening launched distress calls to protect them and their property against extremist Jewish settlers.

Jewish settlers set up outpost near Kiryat Arba in al-Khalil

A horde of extremist Jewish settlers on Friday set up an outpost near the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba in the south of al-Khalil City.

Palestinian girl injured in settler attack in Ramallah

A Palestinian girl child was injured last night when a horde of settlers hurled rocks at the car she was aboard in the north of Ramallah City.

Settler attacks hit different areas of W. Bank and J’lem

Dozens of extremist Jewish settlers on Sunday evening went on the rampage throughout the West Bank and Jerusalem attacking Palestinian citizens and their property.

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