Sat 21-September-2024

Jordan Valley

Israeli army displaces 15 Jordan Valley families for military drills

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) at dawn Wednesday displaced 15 Palestinian families including children from their homes in the areas of al-Maleh and al-Ras al-Ahmar in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli forces detain journalists activists in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation forces on Sunday arrested seven Palestinian journalists and a human rights activist in the northern Jordan Valley.

IOF bans shepherds from grazing cattle near settlements in JV

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Wednesday night warned Palestinian shepherds of grazing their cattle in al-Farisiya area in the northern Jordanian Valley.

IOF seizes two donkeys in northern Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation police on Sunday confiscated two donkeys belonging to a Palestinian shepherd in Ein el-Hilweh area in the northern Jordan Valley east of the West Bank.

Settlers bar Palestinian shepherds from grazing cattle in JV

A horde of Jewish settlers on Tuesday brutalized Palestinian shepherds and expelled them from an open area of pasture in the northern Jordan Valley east of the occupied West Bank.

Israeli settlers seize hundreds of dunums of Palestinian land

Israeli settlers confiscated on Sunday hundreds of dunums of Palestinian land in the northern Jordan Valley local sources said.

Israeli army demolishes Palestinian facilities in Jordan Valley

Israeli military bulldozers on Tuesday morning leveled Palestinian lands and demolished structures in Khirebt al-Ras al-Ahmar in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian shepherds steel sheep

Israeli settlers escorted by full-armed soldiers on Sunday evening attacked Palestinian shepherds in the northern Jordan Valley.

Palestinians forced out of their homes for Israeli military drills

The Israeli occupation forces on Tuesday ordered Palestinian Bedouin families in the Jordan Valley to evacuate their homes to make way for military drills.

Palestinian shepherd injured in settler attack in Jordan Valley

A group of Israeli settlers attacked on Tuesday afternoon a Palestinian shepherd as he was herding his flock of sheep in an open field in al-Farisiya village in the northern Jordan Valley.

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