Sat 21-September-2024

Jordan Valley

Israeli forces demolish pool in Jordan Valley

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday demolished a pool used for gathering water in al-Farsiya area in the northern Jordan Valley.

IOF confiscates Palestinian vehicles in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday confiscated two vehicles owned by Palestinian citizens in Tammun town in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli forces ravage Palestinian homes tents in Jordan Valley

The Israeli occupation forces on Wednesday evening ravaged Palestinian homes and tents in the northern Jordan Valley.

Palestinian families forced out of their homes for Israel army drill

The Israeli army forced on Tuesday 16 Palestinian families to leave their homes in the village of Khirbet Humsa al-Fouqa in the Northern Jordan Valley under the pretext of upcomig military drills.

21 Palestinian families forced out of their homes by Israel army

The Israeli occupation forces notified on Thursday evening the evacuation of 21 Palestinian family homes in Khirbet Humsa al-Fouka in the northern Jordan Valley under the guise of upcoming military drills.

Israel bulldozes Palestinian-owned land in Jordan Valley

Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday embarked on razing Palestinian-owned land in the northern Jordan Valley.

Israeli forces level Palestinian land in Jordan Valley

Israeli bulldozers Tuesday levelled land belonging to Palestinians in the northern Jordan Valley area without providing any reasons.

IOF notifies demolition of Palestinian homes near Jericho

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Sunday stormed al-Nuway'imah town north of Jericho and handed two Palestinian citizens orders to evacuate their houses in preparation for their demolition.

Israel military forces Palestinians out of homes in Jordan Valley

Israeli forces on Monday evening forcefully expelled five Palestinian families from their homes to carry out military drills in Humsa al-Fawqa village in the northern Jordan Valley.

Fasting despite the scorching heat and hard work

Palestinian farmer Abdullah Balouna from the Nasiriyah area in the central Jordan Valley takes advantage of the first few hours of the day to head to his land in the Samit Plain to collect cucumbers before the sun rises during the holy month of Ramadan.

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