Sat 5-October-2024

Kafr Qasim

Israeli fanatics attack Palestinian property in Kafr Qasim

Israeli fanatics set fire to several Palestinian vehicles and sprayed anti-Arab graffiti in Kafr Qasim city within the Green Line at dawn Friday.

Remembering Israel’s massacre of Palestinians in Kafr Qasem

In one of the worst massacres in Palestinian history Israeli border police killed forty-nine residents of Kafr Qasem including women and children.

Israeli police demolish Palestinian house in Kafr Qasem

The Israeli police forces demolished on Tuesday a Palestinian house in Kafr Qasem city in Israel (1948 occupied Palestine) for allegedly being built without Israeli permit.

Israel forces Palestinian to raze home in Kafr Qasem

The Israeli authorities on Monday forced a Palestinian citizen to demolish his own house in Kafr Qasem City in Israel (1948 occupied Palestine) at the pretext of unlicensed construction.

IOA to demolish 3 Palestinian houses in Lod Kafr Qasim

The Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) have ordered the demolition of three Palestinian houses in Kafr Qasim and Los cities in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1948.

Palestinians mark 62nd anniversary of Kafr Qasem massacre

Palestinian citizens in Kafr Qasem village in the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories on Monday 29 October organized events commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the massacre committed by Israeli border guards against the village's residents in 1956.

Kafr Qasem residents demand Israel open archives on 1956 Massacre

Relatives of some of the approximately 50 men women and children killed by Israeli Border Police in 1956 in the Arab village of Kafr Qasem appeared Sunday in Tel Aviv Military Court for the closing hearing in a case filed to force the disclosure of secret documents regarding the Kafr Qasem massacre.

4 Palestinian houses await demolition in Eid al-Fitr

Anger and anxiety has prevailed among the Palestinian citizens in Kafr Qasim town in the 1948 occupied territories after a number of houses were notified with demolition under the pretext of being unlicensed.

Israel’s notorious Kafr Qasim massacre marked by Palestinians

A series of events kicked off on Sunday morning to mark the 61st anniversary of the Kafr Qasim massacre committed by the Israeli occupation forces against the Palestinians.

Massive march in 1948 Occupied Palestine in protest at Israeli crimes

Thousands of Palestinians of 1948 Occupied Palestine participated on Saturday in a massive march in Kafr Qasim city in protest at Israeli police crimes against Arabs in the Green Line in the wake of murdering Mohammad Taha last week.