Sun 7-July-2024


Kuwait transfers $42 million to UNRWA

Kuwait announced on Wednesday a contribution of an additional $42100000 to UNRWA the UN agency for Palestinian refugees according to Kuwait News Agency.

Kuwait to give over $2 million to rehabilitate roads in Gaza

Palestinian minister of housing and public works Mufid Hasayneh said on Tuesday that Kuwait approved a contribution of $2.5 million from the Kuwait Arab Economic Development Fund to help reconstruct the besieged Gaza Strip's infrastructure.

Kuwait to go to GA for protection of Palestinians

The Kuwaiti ambassador to the United Nations Mansour Al-Otaibi vowed to go to the General Assembly for the protection of Palestinians after a draft resolution of his delegation for that purpose was vetoed by the United States.

Kuwait-sponsored SC resolution on Palestine delayed

The UN Security Council (SC) members could vote as soon as Friday on a Kuwait-sponsored draft resolution that asks the UN chief to propose measures to ensure “international protection” for Palestinian civilians against Israeli aggressive practices.

Calls launched at UN Security Council for protecting Palestinians

Kuwait on Tuesday circulated a watered-down draft UN Security Council resolution on setting up an international protection mission for the Palestinians in a bid to win European support in a vote expected this week diplomats said.

US blocks Kuwait-drafted statement on Gaza massacre

The US on Saturday foiled a draft statement submitted by Kuwait to the UN Security Council (UNSC) on the massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army against peaceful protesters in Gaza leaving at least 17 dead.

UNRWA receives annual financial aid from Kuwait

Kuwait’s ambassador to Jordan Hamad Al-Duaij on Thursday handed $2 million in financial support to the UNRWA as part of Kuwait’s annual financial contribution to the agency.

Kuwait allocates 2 million dollars annually for UNRWA aid

Kuwait has affirmed the commitment to its 2-million-dollar annual pledge to UNRWA.

Kuwait: Popular campaign against normalization with Israel

The National Union of Kuwaiti Students has launched a popular campaign against normalization with Israel under the title “Kuwaiti against Normalization.”

Kuwait’s National Assembly adopts six recommendations over J’lem

Kuwait’s National Assembly on Wednesday unanimously approved six recommendations submitted by lawmakers for action against the US administration’s recognition of Occupied Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and its threat to relocate its embassy to the holy city.