Thu 19-September-2024


Israel closes Jerusalem streets ahead of Judaization marathon

The Israeli municipal authorities closed on Friday several streets in Occupied Jerusalem restricting Palestinian movement.

Hamas condemns Israeli marathon in Occupied Jerusalem

Spokesman of Hamas for Occupied Jerusalem Muhammad Hamadeh has condemned the Israeli occupation municipality for its plan to organize a marathon in Jerusalem stressing that such a plan constitutes part of the Israeli Judaization policy.

Hamas condemns Israeli Judaizing marathon in Jerusalem

Israel’s organization of a marathon in Occupied Jerusalem is a clear attempt to prove its purported and void sovereignty over the holy city Hamas Movement said in a statement issued Monday.

Israel closes Jerusalem streets ahead of Judaization marathon

The Israeli authorities closed on Friday several streets in Occupied Jerusalem restricting Palestinian movement.

Israeli police quell “Jerusalem Marathon” injuring participants

About 23 runners were injured on Friday evening as Israeli police forces violently attacked the Jerusalem Marathon organized by activists in solidarity with Palestinian families facing forced expulsion in occupied east Jerusalem.

Wheelchair race staged in Gaza in solidarity with sick prisoners

Dozens of wheelchair racers participated on Sunday in a marathon organized in the Gaza Strip in solidarity with 1500 sick and wounded Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

200 runners participate in March of Return marathon in Gaza

200 Palestinian runners took part in a marathon in Gaza City on Saturday in support of the major march of return which will be staged next Friday simultaneously with the Land Day occasion.