Tue 17-September-2024

Najah University

Student Council at An-Najah University calls on world students to demonstrate against genocide in Gaza

The Student Union Council of An-Najah University in Nablus in the occupied West Bank has called in a statement on Thursday for worldwide protests, especially on the part of university students, in support of Gaza and of an end to the genocide perpetrated by the Israeli occupation forces in the besieged enclave.

Hamas congratulates Islamic Block for winning students council

The Hamas Movement has congratulated the Islamic Bloc for winning the students council elections of the An-Najah National University in the West Bank city of Nablus.

Al-Najah University students continue their strike

The students of Al-Najah University in Nablus continue to strike for the second day in row Monday in response to the call of the "independent student bloc".

Hamas slams violent crackdown on student protest

Hamas Movement strongly condemned "the criminal assault carried out against a peaceful student protest at An-Najah University by university security guards as an unacceptable and reprehensible act of thuggery."

University students among several detainees in Nablus

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched at dawn Thursday a fresh arrest campaign in Nablus governorate in the northern West Bank.

Islamic Bloc deplores continued political arrests calls for action

The Islamic Bloc the student wing of Hamas at an-Najah University has condemned the persistence of the Palestinian Authority (PA) security apparatuses in arresting its members because of their political affiliation.