Tue 2-July-2024

Nakba anniversary

On the Anniversary of the Nakba: Even displacement is no longer possible

These days mark the anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba of 1948, a time when the people of Gaza are experiencing a new catastrophe, one that Israel has sought to impose through bombing, killing, and destruction for over 220 days.

Nakba anniversary .. Palestinians still holding keys to their homes

IOF attacks Palestinians marking Nakba anniversary

Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Monday attacked Palestinian demonstrators who were commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba northwest of the West Bank city of Ramallah.

Hamas: Israel has no legitimacy over any part of Palestine

The Hamas Movement has said that the Palestinian people is commemorating the 75th anniversary of their painful Nakba (catastrophe) in the wake of another round of confrontation with the Israeli occupation state which they fought alongside their resistance in the Gaza Strip.

Number of Palestinians multiplies about ten-fold

According to Palestinian official sources the total population of Palestinians worldwide reached 12.4 million by the end of 2021 which means that the number of Palestinians has multiplied about ten-fold since the Nakba in 1948.

Hamas: The occupation has no sovereignty over an iota of Palestine

The Hamas Movement has affirmed that the Israeli occupation state has neither the legitimacy nor the sovereignty over an inch of the historic Palestinian land stressing that “the Aqsa Mosque will remain purely Islamic.”

Palestinians mark 72 years of ongoing Nakba

Seventy-two years ago the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) started when an entire people were forcibly displaced and massacred by the Zionist gangs to establish a cancerous entity called "Israel" on the ruins of Palestine.

Hamas: Our people have the right to defend themselves

The Hamas Movement has renewed its categorical rejection of all projects aimed at undermining the Palestinian people’s rights and liquidating their national cause affirming that the US deal of the century and Israel’s annexation plans are atop of these projects.