Sat 6-July-2024

Nakba day

Clashes with IOF in different W. Bank areas on Nakba Day

Violent clashes broke out on Sunday afternoon between Palestinian young men and the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) in Ramallah Jerusalem and Tulkarem as popular events were held across the West Bank to mark the 76th anniversary of the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe).

Aqsa preacher: Nakba is ongoing

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and preacher of al-Aqsa Mosque Sheikh Mohammed Hussein on Friday said that the Nakba is an ongoing process with different forms and an aim to completely eliminate the Palestinian presence.

Palestinians mark 72 years of ongoing Nakba

Seventy-two years ago the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) started when an entire people were forcibly displaced and massacred by the Zionist gangs to establish a cancerous entity called "Israel" on the ruins of Palestine.

Nakba 71: Palestinian refugees are determined to return

After 71 years have passed since the Nakba which entailed the death and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians the Palestinian refugees are attached to their lost lands more than ever.

65 injured as Gaza protesters mark Nakba anniversary

Dozens of Palestinian citizens were injured when the Israeli occupation forces violently quelled the Great March of Return which marked the 71st anniversary of the Nakba in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday.

Murra: Our people more adherent to their land and rights on Nakba Day

Ra’fat Murra head of Hamas’s information department abroad said that the 71st anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) gives the Palestinian people more strength and determination to uphold their land their identity and their national rights.